Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

#DearMum | Talk Islam

pernah lihat video di youtube dari chanel Talk Islam??

coba tonton deh, mantap banget !!

dijamin, serius...

jadi ini dibuat oleh sekelompok anak muda di Sydney, gaya da'wah mereka.. kereen !

"Talk Islam started off with a group of young Muslim brothers from Sydney inspired to spread the dawah on the streets. Whether it be through handing out pamphlets or engaging in conversation with strangers", silahkan lihat lebih banyak tentang Talk Islam 

gw mau share videonya yang berjudul #DearMum | Spoken Word

Ma, since Allah put Paradise beneath your feet
please ask Allah to let Paradise be the place where we finally meet

to the woman that loved me before i was born 
to the woman that held
 my heart long before it had formed 
to the woman who was left sleepless from dusk until dawn 
with weakness upon weakness for nine
 months long 
telling herself it would all be worth it soon as she rest assured
for when she finally made it through to that hospital ward
it was
 love at first sight 
the second she saw

i mean she’s the type that would give up her only slippers just to make sure that my toes were warm
she would always favour me despite the fact she always needed it more
she would
 wake up early every single morn 
to stand freezing in the cold, hanging up the clothes we had worn
standing at the stove for hours
cooking bowls of food, we would swarm 
and whenever
 we weren’t home
her heart would be torn 
i mean she can never ever sleep whenever we were gone
she will stay up all night next to the
 phone although i would never call 
so she sends me
 text messages 
Please, I can’t sleep..just let me know that you’re safe and secure

and whenever i was sick
she would always know what was
 the cure 
i mean the love she gave to me was the best medicine that was pure

a prescription of tea honey
handmade lemonade

what more could I ask for
all praise to the Lord
you did it all for me and not once ever asked for a reward
i mean
i still remember the nights when i was small
i could never go to
 sleep until i would call to you from out the bedroom door 

‘atini wa bawsini,
 tuck me in and kiss me please

and you would
always be there for sure
the love you gave to me for all these years its impossible to ignore

i love you,
 Ya umaa 
(i love you, Mum)

and i’m sorry i’ve never told you all this before
i’m sorry for everything
 Mum, i’m sorry for it all 
i’m sorry for leaving you as soon as you taught me how to crawl
i’m sorry for saying 


every time you would ask me to complete a simple chore
it doesn’t
 make me less of a man to give you a hand 
whenever your arms get sore
i’m sorry again and again for all the promises i fell short
and i’m
sorry i can’t give you the life you wish for
the car you dreamt of and the countries you wish to explore

but most of all 
i’m sorry for all the pain that i caused 
for the
 nights you didn’t sleep and for all those missed calls 
for all the
 fights we had and for all the broken walls 
the dirty room with the messy floors and for the clothes that weren’t packed back into their draws
and for all the sacrifices you made that

i never once ever recalled 
like when you became
 my mother 
it meant that you had to move away from yours
i know how much you love her, and miss her and i know it cuts you deep like a sword
but if it was up to me i’d let you see her as much as i can afford so i
promise to make it up to you
and become the son that you’ve
always adored
from now on

 forgive me 
forgive me for it all
forgive me for everything i’ve ever done
ever since i was young, stupid and dumb, just looking to have fun

dear Mum
i love you 
i love you
i promise to never put anybody else above you nor let
 anybody come in between and even if i get married i 
promise you will
always be my
because there’s no
 words in this world that can let you know how much you really mean 
to me
nor is there
anyway in this world that i could ever repay you
so instead
 i pray every day for you 
 Allah has mercy on you 
the same way you had
 mercy on me 
and i have one last request for you before you leave


since Allah put Paradise beneath your feet
please ask Allah to let Paradise be the place where we
finally meet
script ini gw copy dari sini
harap maklum bahasa inggris beta belum sampai ke tahap "air mengalir" 

oh ya jangan lupa tonton video yang lainnya yaa 

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